Breast Cancer: Risk Factors and Symptoms

Just like all other types of cancers, breast cancer also comprises of some unusual cells that tend to grow out of control. Those cells also tend to travel to places in the body where they aren’t found usually. The cancer is termed as metastatic when such things happened. Usually, breast cancer begins either in the ducts that carry your nipple or in the glands that make milk.

The cancer is most likely to grow larger in your breast and also spread through your bloodstream to other organs in the body. Cancer generally tends to grow and invade tissue in and around the breast, including the chest wall or skin. The growth rate of cancer mainly depends on its types. Some types of cancers tend to grow quickly, while others take time to develop.  

Who can get breast cancer?

It is not that only women get breast cancer but also men get breast cancer. But it is only 1% of all breast cancer cases. Among women, it is said that most women get breast cancer as it is the second most commonly diagnosed disease after skin cancer, and after lung cancer, it is the second leading cause of death.

On average, at least one in eight women will develop breast cancer once in their lifetime. But you don't need to stress at all as breast cancer can be treated if you spot it in the early stages. Usually, localized cancer can be treated if it doesn't spread. The treatment gets more complicated when cancer begins to spread. Often for years, the disease can be controlled.

Symptoms of breast cancer:
  • Changes in the skin of your breast or your nipple. It could be dimpled, puckered, scaly, or inflamed.
  • Red skin on your breast or nipple
  • Changes in the shape or position of your nipple
  • An area that’s different from any other area on either breast
  • A stiff, marble-sized spot under your skin
  • A lump or thickened area in or near your breast or underarm that lasts through your period
  • A mass or lump, even if it feels as small as a pea.
  • A change in your breast’s size, shape, or curve
  • Nipple discharge that can be bloody or clear

Risk factors of breast control you cannot control:

Age - As compared to younger women who are over 50 are most likely to get breast cancer.

Race - As per a recent survey, it could be concluded that African American women are most likely to suffer from Breast cancer before menopause. 

Dense breasts - If your breasts feature more connective tissue as compared to the fatty tissue, it can be challenging to see tumors on a mammogram.

Personal history of cancer - If you have certain benign breast conditions, your odds are most likely to go up, and they might go up more if you have a history of cancer before.

Family history - You are two times more likely to get the disease if a first-degree female relative that is a mother or sister had breast cancer. It is most likely to be true if they got it before menopause. Additionally, you are also prone to the risk of getting breast cancer if your father or brother was diagnosed with it.

Risk Factors of Breast cancer, you can control:

Physical activity - There are higher chances you might get breast cancer if you don’t move enough.

Weight and diet - The chances of your odds are high if you are overweight post-menopause.

Regular intake of alcohol - The chances of breast cancer increase if you consume alcohol regularly, like more than one drink a day.

Reproductive history - If you have your first child after 30, you don't breastfeed, or you don't have a full-term pregnancy.

Breast cancer treatment:

Once you have been tested positive, you and your doctor can develop the treatment plan to eradicate cancer and also help you in lowering your odds. After diagnosis, the treatment is followed within a few weeks.

Your treatment most likely depends on the size and location of the tumor, the stage of the disease, and results on the cancer cells. Above all, the medical professional will consider the age and general health of the patients.