The ENT department in Kauvery Hospitalare dedicated to the ear, nose, throat, neck, and head. It is established to provide the best possible care to our patients. Our team of ENT specialists, neurosurgeons, and radiologists work together on individual cases. With well- equippedand latest tools and technology we haveadvancedour medical practices and our patients are treated with the highest priority. Our doctors and specialists take part in both treatment and management of patient's health..

WHY Kauvery Hospitals? 

Patients with ENT disorders or symptoms related to ENT need special individual care and appropriate managing owing to the complexity and chronicity of the ENT related diseases. The ENT department atKauvery partners with sister departments to provide the best possible care and treatment. The hospital headed by senior qualified, and well-experienced doctors in every area of ENT that has vast and immense experience in treating and curing chronic diseases. Your wellness is our priority and providing comprehensive care with world-class treatments by our certified nurses and Doctors on board.


Our ENT department consisting of the head, neck surgeons, and radiologists, offers medical and surgical treatments to patients suffering from various ENT disorders. We provide treatments for:

  1. Acoustic Neuroma 
  2. Allergies
  3. Balance problems
  4. Esophagus disorders
  5. Cochlear Implants
  6. Common cough and cold
  7. Group
  8. Hearing disorders
  9. Diphtheria
  10. Dizziness and Vertigo
  11. Laryngitis
  12. Smell and taste disorders
  13. Laryngitis
  14. Nasal cancer 
  15. Tonsils and adenoids

The department emphasizes preventive care and post-operative care for allergies, sinus removal, Salivary Gland diseases, snoring, and vertigo.