Head and Neck Cancer: Know Your Risks

Ideally, head and neck cancers form to be a group of cancers that begins in or near your voice box, throat, mouth, sinuses, etc. Mainly it starts in the cells that line in the surfaces of these body parts, and doctors term it as squamous cells.

Some of the types of head and risk cancers are:
  • Oral cavity - It is a type of cancer that is most likely to affect your lips and interiors of the mouth. It includes gums, the interior of the cheeks, the front two-thirds of the tongue, and beneath your tongue. Some of the symptoms of oral cancer, including red or white patches in the mouth, swelling in the jaw like the swelling that makes the false teeth fit poorly, or bleeding or pain in the mouth.
  • Pharynx - Another name for your throat is pharynx. Ideally, it is a tube that is at least 5 inches long and goes from behind your nose to the top of your esophagus. The pharynx most includes your soft palate and your tonsils, and the back of the tongue. It is the soft part at the end of the roof of your mouth.
    Some of the symptoms of pharynx cancer include trouble breathing or talking, Painful swallowing, Neck or throat pain that doesn’t go away, Earaches, Pain or ringing in your ears that keep coming back, and Trouble hearing.
  • Larynx - It is your voice box, and it is most likely to hold your epiglottis and vocal cords. It is mainly a tiny piece of flesh that hangs at the back of your throat. The part of the body caps of the larynx when you are about to drink or eat, and it goes to the wrong pipe.
    Symptoms of the larynx include ear pain, painful swallowing, changes in your voice, and ear pain. 
  • Nasal cavity and paraspinal sinuses:
    The space inside your nose is known as the nasal cavity. The paranasal sinuses are tiny spaces in the bones of your head around your nose. Suppose you have symptoms of this type of cancer. In that case, you need to look out for some chronic signs, including Blocked sinuses, you can't clear, Nosebleeds, Headaches, Swelling around the eyes, maintain in your upper teeth, Problems with false teeth not fitting anymore. 
  • Salivary glands:
    These glands are known to make salvia or spit, and they are known to be a part of the lower part of the mouth near your jawbone. The symptoms of salivary glands include swelling under your chin, Swelling around your jawbone, Numb or paralyzed facial muscles, Pain in your face, chin, or neck that doesn’t go away. 
Some of the general symptoms of neck and head cancer are:
  • A lump in your neck
  • Growths or sores in your mouth (even if they don’t hurt)
  • Blood in your spit or phlegm
Some of the causes and risks of neck and head cancer are:

One of the biggest causes of head and neck cancers is tobacco. It is most likely to include tobacco and using snuff, not just smoking. Additionally, the chance of neck and head cancer is most likely to enhance if you smoke tobacco and using snuff, not just smoking.

Also, if you drink too much alcohol, you are more prone to the risk. Other things that increase  your risk are:

  • Being older than 40
  • Not taking care of your mouth and teeth.
  • Breathing in asbestos, wood dust, paint, or other chemical fumes
  • Smoking pot
  • Not getting enough vitamin A or B.
  • Acid reflux
  • Having a weak immune system

When you are going for a yearly checkup, your medical professional should look interior your mouth, throat, and nose. Additionally, they should also look for some lumps in your neck. It is most likely to be true if you use tobacco or have used it before or your drink regularly. You have to get a few tests done if you have symptoms of head or neck cancer, or your doctor finds anything strange at your annual medical checkup.

Some of the tests include:

  • Blood tests
  • Pee tests
  • HPV test
  • Endoscopy

Your doctor will try to figure out how far it has advanced or what stage it is in.